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Notification regarding time limit for verification of return of income after uploading

extension of due date of income tax return

The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has issued the notification regarding the time limit for verification of Income tax returns after uploading. It is clarified in the Notification that:-

(i) Where the return of income is uploaded and e-verification/lTRV is submitted within 30 days of uploading – In such cases thedate of uploading the return of income shall be considered as the date of furnishing the return of income.
(ii) Where the return of is uploaded but e-verification or ITR-V is submitted after 30 days of uploading – In such cases the date of e-verification/ITR-V submission shall be treated as the date of furnishing the return of income and all consequences of late filing of return under the Act shall follow, as applicable.

To read the Notification, click here for notification for verification

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