
Category : Income Tax

Income TaxIncome TaxIncome TaxLatestRecent Case LawsTax

The exemption of Rs. 50 lakh in s. 194-IA(2) is applicable w.r.t. the amount related to each transferee and not with reference to the amount as per sale deed. Each transferee is a separate income tax entity and the law has to be applied with reference to each transferee as an individual transferee / person – ITAT Delhi

Team Taxcharcha
ITAT Delhi in the judgement of Vinod Soni Vs. ITO TDS Faridabad in ITA No. 2736/Del/2015  held the following: Section 194-IA(2) provides that Section 194-IA(1)...
Income TaxIncome TaxIncome TaxLatestLawRecent Case Laws

Reliance by the AO on statements of third parties without giving the assessee an opportunity of cross-examination is a gross failure of the principles of natural justice and renders the assessment order a nullity -ITAT Delhi

Team Taxcharcha
The additions made merely on the statement of the third party and without providing an opportunity of being heard and cross examine the basis of...