Month : December 2018
Circular No. 76/50/2018-GSTClarification on certain issues (sale by government departments to unregistered person; leviability of penalty under section 73(11) of the CGST Act; rate of tax in case of debit notes / credit notes issued under section 142(2) of the CGST Act; applicability of notification No. 50/2018-Central Tax; valuation methodology in case of TCS under Income Tax Act and definition of owner of goods) related to GST
Decisions & Recommendations made during 31st Meeting of GST Council on 22.12.2018
Applicability of the Changes made: Changes made by CGST (Amendment) Act, 2018, IGST (Amendment) Act, 2018 UTGST (Amendment) Act, 2018 and GST (Compensation to states)...
Exposure Drafts of AS – 1 and AS – 37 issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India – ICAI
The Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS), as notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs in February, 2015, have been applicable to the specified class of...
View Public Documents(VPD) services would be restricted from 28.12.2018 to 31.12.2018 between 8:00 hours to 20:00 hours – MCA
View Public Documents(VPD) services would be restricted from 28th December (Friday)2018 to 31st December (Monday)2018 between 8:00 hours to 20:00 hours. Stakeholders may plan accordingly....
The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has published the FAQs on GST. To download the FAQs, click here FAQ GST CBIC...
No coercive action against the Start up companies
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has directed all the Principal Chief Commissioners of Income Tax, not to take coercive measures to recover the...
CBDT Extends the due date for furnishing of report under section 286 (4) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 – Circular 9 of 2018 dated 26.12.2018
In order to remove the genuine hardship in furnishing of the report under sub-section (4) of section 286 of the Act read with sub-rule (4)...
CBDT issues explanatory notes to the provisions of the Finance Act, 2018 on 26.12.2018 – Circular no.8/2018 , CBDT
The Central Board of Direct Taxes vide its Circular No. 8/2018 dated 26.12.2018 issued explanatory notes to the provisions of the Finance Act, 2018 To...
The assessee can be taxed only on the gain which is oozing out from the sale consideration, thus, no adverse inference can be drawn while invoking the provision of section 50C of the Act. – Bombay High Court
Held : “The assessee can be taxed only on the gain which is oozing out from the sale consideration, thus, no adverse inference can be...
ITC in relation to invoices issued by the supplier during the FY 2017-18 may be availed by the recipient till the due date for furnishing of Form GSTR -3B for the month of March, 2019 – GST Council
The GST council in its meeting held today at New Delhi recommend ITC in relation to invoices issued by the supplier during the FY 2017-18 may...
GST council decides to reduce tax rate from 28%to 18% Monitors & TVs , Power Banks, Digital camera and video Cameras – GST council
GST Council in its 31st Council meeting held today at New Delhi decided to reduce tax rates on various items such as: From 28% to...
Various due dates extended in 31st Meeting of the GST Council held on 22.12.2018 – GST Council
Following due dates are extended during the 31st Council meeting held today at New Delhi: Due date of furnishing the annual returns in Form GSTR-9...
In terms of section 194A(1), The time of deduction of tax u/s 194A(1) is undisputedly time at which interest is to be credited to account of payee or when it is paid in cash/cheque or draft therefore, deduction of tax at source on interest income before close of financial year concerned as provided under section 194A(4) would not obligate assessee bank from penalty for not deducting tax at source at time of credit of said income in payee’s account – HC Allahabad
Held : Deduction of tax at source on interest income before close of the financial year concerned as provided under Section 194 A (4) of...
HC wrong in taking the technical view of dismissing the appeal on the ground of delay when it has to decide the question of law between the parties in any case in respect of earlier assessment year – Supreme Court
Held : The High Court should not have taken such a technical view of dismissing the appeal in the instant case on the ground of delay,...
Form CHG-4 is likely to be revised w.e.f 25th December, 2018- MCA
Form CHG-4 is likely to be revised on MCA21 Company Forms Download page w.e.f 25th December, 2018. Stakeholders are advised to check the latest version...
Forms A-XBRL, 23B and MSC-1 are likely to be revised w.e.f. 20.12.2018- MCA
Forms A-XBRL, 23B and MSC-1 are likely to be revised on MCA21 Company Forms Download page w.e.f 20th December, 2018. Stakeholders are advised to check...